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Name of First Author

First Name
Middle Name

Affiliation Agency Information of Presenting Author

(e.g.) The Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of East-Tokyo, Tokyo

Address Information of Presenting Author

Address + Postal/Zip Code (e.g.) 1-4-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 123-4567
Please include "-" (hyphen)
Please include "-" (hyphen)

Email Address 

Information on Affiliation




Co-author’s Information

Up to 10 persons, including the presenter (FirstAuthor)
First Author Affiliation Number
Co-Author Order Name Affiliation Number

Co-Author 1

Co-Author 2

Co-Author 3


Abstract title 

Abstract title must be typed using CAPITAL LETTERS, maximum 15 words.

Abstract Body

The body of the abstract should be written first in Word or memo, then copied and pasted into the box for the abstract body at the bottom of the page.

・Abstracts must be submitted in English.
・Abstract title must be typed using CAPITAL LETTERS, maximum 15 words.
・Abstract body is up to 300 words.
・Up to 9 co-authors
・The abstract must not contain any graphics, tables, pictures, or other types of figures.
・The following subdivisions of your abstract are recommended but are NOT mandatory.
 ・Material and Methods

The available symbols are as follows:

In case you want to use other symbols, please check the character conversion code table here and register them.
※Character Conversion Code Table

When using the following symbols, please copy this field and paste it into the necessary place in the body of the abstract.
What to enter Na<SUP>+</SUP> H<SUB>2</SUB>O  <I>c-fos</I>  <B>Bold</B>  <U>Underline</U>  &gt; &lt;
What to appear Na+ H2O c-fos Bold Underline > <
Enclose the text before and after with <SUP> and </SUP>.
Example: Na<SUP>+</SUP> for Na+
Enclose the characters before and after with <SUB> and </SUB>.
Example: H<SUB>2</SUB>O for H2O
Enclose the text before and after with <I> and </I>.
Example: <I>c-fos</I> for c-fos
Enclose <B> and </B> before and after the text.
Example: <B>Bold</B> for Bold
Enclose <U> and </U> before and after the characters.
Example: <U>Underline</U> for Underline
"<" or ">" (greater than and less than signs)
Use  < is "&lt;" or  > is "&gt;" instead.
Example: p&lt;0.05

Affiliation name (co-author) is counted when the first author or the target institution number of the co-author is selected.
Subject Information
Abstract Body

Curriculum Vitae (brief version) 

*Your CV will be delivered to chairperson(s) of your presentation.


The copyrights of submitted abstract(s) shall belong to UMB(Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology)/Elsevier B.V.. Copyright transfer is required to publish the abstract in the UMB Journal. This does not prevent the publication of the full paper.


Password must contain at least 6 characters, including at least one lowercase alphabet and one number.
e.g. wfumb2025
Please fill in the mandatory information in the spaces marked * and click “NEXT" button to check your submission details on the next page.
Abstract submission number will be shown after your submission has been completed. Please take notes your submission number and password to check or correct your submitted abstract(s).
Click here to create entry  
WFUMB 2025 Abstract Submission Desk
c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc.

[For Invited Speakers]
WFUMB 2025 Congress Secretariat
c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc.