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First Author Name

First Name
Middle Name

First Author Affiliation

First Author Contact Information

Please include "-" (hyphen)
Please include "-" (hyphen)

First Author Email Address 

Affiliation Information

Affiliation No.2

Affiliation No.3

Affiliation No.4

Co-Author Information

First Author Affiliation Number
Co-Author Order Name Affiliation Number

Co-Author 1

Co-Author 2

Co-Author 3

Abstract Title 

Abstract title must be within 200 characters.

Abstract Body

Absotract body within 1800 characters.
Abstracts must be typed in half-width characters.


Type your abstract in the box below. You may also paste text processed offline into the box.

Follow the instructions below for special characters.
If you want to include symbols or Greek letters, 
type the respective code indicated in the tables at the position where you want to place it, or copy the code and paste it in the position.

If you want to use superscripts, subscripts, italics, bold, or underlines, follow the instructions below.


When using the following symbols, please copy this field and paste it into the necessary place in the body of the abstract.
What to enter Na<SUP>+</SUP> H<SUB>2</SUB>O  <I>c-fos</I>  <B>Bold</B>  <U>Underline</U>  &gt; &lt;
What to appear Na+ H2O c-fos Bold Underline > <
Enclose the text before and after with <SUP> and </SUP>.
Example: Na<SUP>+</SUP> for Na+
Enclose the characters before and after with <SUB> and </SUB>.
Example: H<SUB>2</SUB>O for H2O
Enclose the text before and after with <I> and </I>.
Example: <I>c-fos</I> for c-fos
Enclose <B> and </B> before and after the text.
Example: <B>Bold</B> for Bold
Enclose <U> and </U> before and after the characters.
Example: <U>Underline</U> for Underline
"<" or ">" (greater than and less than signs)
Type "&lt;" for < and "&gt;" for > instead.
Example: p&lt;0.05


If you wish to use symbols, please refer to the character code table here and copy and paste the input code.

Affiliation name (co-author) is counted when the first author or the target institution number of the co-author is selected.
Subject Information
Abstract Body

Curriculum Vitae (brief CV within 1800 charactors) 

Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure Statement

 For the lead author and all co-outhors, please disclose any COI (Conflict of Interest) status related to companies, organizations, or entities associated with the presentation topic within the past three years from the time of submission, by self-declaration for each author.
 Any conflicts of interest that require disclosure should cover the three years prior to abstract submission and should be disclosed at the beginning of the presentation slides or at the end of the poster.
First Author
Item Conflict? If yes, enter the company name, details, etc.
1 Honoraria
($10,000 or more per year from one company or organization)
2 Stock or stock options
($10,000 or more per year or holding 5% or more of shares in one private company)
3 Royalties or licenses
($5,000 or more per year for one patent)
4 Lecture fees
($5,000 or more per year from one company or organization)
5 Manuscript fees
($5,000 or more per year from one company or organization)
6 Research funding
($10,000 or more per year of research funding including funding for collaborative research, funded research, and drug trials paid by one company or organization)
7 Scholarship fund
($10,000 or more per year provided by one company or organization to a disclosing party, his/her course/class, or laboratory)
8 Belonging to endowed chair by business Author
9 Travel fees, gifts, and others
($500 or more per year from one company or organization)

Ethic Review

If unapproved or off-abel medical treatment is performed as a medical treatment rather than as research, each institution must perform the procedure per the Medical Care Act.
 The above ethical information may be revised per changes in national laws, regulations, and guidelines in the future (as of June 2022).
 This guideline is based on the ethical guidelines prepared by the Japanese Society for Abdominal Emergency Medicine and the Japan Diabetes and Digestive Welfare (JDDW) Society.

Q1. Select one from the following study contents 

Non-researchable case reports summarizing 9 or fewer cases. 

Maintenance and promotion of human health through understanding the causes and pathology of injury and disease, improving methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injury and disease, and verifying the 
effectiveness and safety of such methods, and reports, etc. not intended to acquire knowledge that contributes to recovery from injury or illness or improves the quality of life*. 
*Examples: (1) Only the introduction of treatment methods, education and training methods; (2) Introduction about the institution's medical system and efforts to improve medical examination rates. 
 Research using only articles, published databases, and guidelines. 
Research using samples and information that have already proven academic value, are widely utilized for research purposes and are accessible to the general public. 
Research using samples/information that has already been anonymized (processed in such a way that a specific individual cannot be identified and for which no correspondence table exists anywhere, regardless of whether the individual is self-identified or not). 
However, the analysis of somatic cell-derived genomic data is excluded. 
Research using anonymized processed information or anonymously processed information that has already been created. 
Research based on laws and regulations (excluding the Clinical Trials Act and the Act on Ensuring Regenerative Medicine, Safety, etc.). 
Research that only analyzes microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, and viruses isolated from the human body and that does not involve research on events related to human health. 
Basic research using animal experiments and generally available cells (including iPS cells and tissue stem cells). 
Research conducted overseas (excluding those in which the specimens/information subject to the research were obtained in Japan). However, it is necessary to comply with the regulations of the country where the research was conducted. 
-Observational studies using existing samples and information. 
The use of information from routine medical care or surplus biological specimens collected during medical care is acceptable, regardless of whether it is prospective or retrospective provided it does not affect the routine medical practice (judgment) in any way.
-Observational research that obtains new information only for research purposes and does not involve invasive procedures. 
This includes ECG, body surface US tests, and noncardiac invasive questionnaires. 
-Observational studies that involve invasive or minimally invasive procedures in obtaining new information for research purposes. 
Research that does not affect normal medical practice (judgment) in any way but in which radiography, CT, etc., are performed for research purposes.
-Observational research in which samples are obtained in addition to new information for research purposes. 
Some of them are invasive or slightly invasive, such as CT, blood sampling (may include others on top of the usual medical care), tissue collection, etc., for research purposes, while others are non-invasive, such as collection of excretions. 
Interventional research to which the "Clinical Research Act" does not apply. 
This includes interventional studies using in vitro diagnostics and studies evaluating medical procedures and surgical methods. 
Clinical research other than specific clinical research (research subject to the obligation to make efforts to comply with the "Clinical Research Act"). 
Interventional research that evaluates the efficacy and safety of approved drugs and medical devices without funding from related companies. 
Specified clinical research (research obliged to comply with the "Clinical Research Act"). 
Research using unapproved or off-label drugs, medical devices, or interventional research funded by companies falls under this category. 
Research that meets the following criteria.
-Research that falls under the Act on Ensuring Regenerative Medicine Safety, etc. -Research on Human Gene Therapy. 

If you select A

Non-researchable case reports summarizing 9 or fewer cases. 
Maintenance and promotion of human health through understanding the causes and pathology of injury and disease, improving methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of injury and disease, and verifying the 
effectiveness and safety of such methods, and reports, etc. not intended to acquire knowledge that contributes to recovery from injury or illness or improves the quality of life*. 
*Examples: (1) Only the introduction of treatment methods, education and training methods; (2) Introduction about the institution's medical system and efforts to improve medical examination rates. 
Research using only articles, published databases, and guidelines. 
Research using samples and information that have already proven academic value, are widely utilized for research purposes and are accessible to the general public. 
Research using samples/information that has already been anonymized (processed in such a way that a specific individual cannot be identified and for which no correspondence table exists anywhere, regardless of whether the individual is self-identified or not). 
However, the analysis of somatic cell-derived genomic data is excluded. 
Research using anonymized processed information or anonymously processed information that has already been created. 
Research based on laws and regulations (excluding the Clinical Trials Act and the Act on Ensuring Regenerative Medicine, Safety, etc.). 
Research that only analyzes microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, and viruses isolated from the human body and that does not involve research on events related to human health. 
Basic research using animal experiments and generally available cells (including iPS cells and tissue stem cells). 
Research conducted overseas (excluding those in which the specimens/information subject to the research were obtained in Japan). However, it is necessary to comply with the regulations of the country where the research was conducted. 

Studies that checked B1, B2, C, D1, D2, and E in Question 1 

Studies that checked B1, B2, C, D1, D2, and E in Question 1 require a committee review based on the regulations that apply to each study. 
The required review has been undergone, and approval has been obtained. 

IRB number 


IRB number 


Password must contain at least 6 characters, including at least one lowercase alphabet and one number.
You will need your reception number and password to check and correct your abstract, so make a note of these two displayed on the registration completion screen. Please be sure to fill in the question items displayed with *. Registration cannot be completed if there is no input. Please fill in the required questions and then click the "Next" button.
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Abstract submission desk of JSCP80