97th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association

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Name of Presenting Author

First Name
Middle Name

Affiliation Agency Information of Presenting Author

(e.g.) The Third Department of Internal Medicine, University of East-Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Address Information of Presenting Author

Address + Postal/Zip Code (e.g.) 1-4-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 123-4567
Please include "-" (hyphen)
Please include "-" (hyphen)

Email Address 

Information on Affiliation




Co-author’s Information

First Author Affiliation Number
Co-Author Order Name Affiliation Number

Co-Author 1

Co-Author 2

Co-Author 3

Presentation Style 

Main session 

Oral/Poster session 

Do you wish to present for oral/poster session the abstract will not be accepted for English session (Main session)? 

Oral/Poster session 


Abstract Body

Enter within 1,600 characters.

Affiliation name (co-author) is counted when the first author or the target institution number of the co-author is selected.
Subject Information
Abstract Body

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest (COI) 

When an announcement subject is a clinical study, please answer about profit mutual relations of following 1-7 from one year ago to now between the authors and company.
(1) Assuming a position of a board member or advisor in a profit-making business, legal entity, or organizationrun by you, your spouse, or your first-degree relative 1 million yen or more annual compensation from a single business, entity, or group.
(2) Stock holdings: 1 million yen or more annual dividends 5% or more interests in the applicable business.
(3) Patent royalties: 1 million yen or more annual income per patent.
(4) Honoraria for lectures: 500 thousand yen or more total annual income from a single company or organization.
(5) Honoraria for manuscripts: 500 thousand yen or more total annual income from a single company or organization annual income from a single business or group.
(6) Total clinical research grants: 1 million yen or more total annual research grantspaid from a single company or organization to you or your department.
(7) Receiving travel expenses or gifts: 50 thousand yen or more annually from a single company or organization.


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